Pointers on selecting a hearing aid that is just right for you and is specific to your listening requirements - whether these are listening to conversations, hearing music wirelessly, ability to set your preferences or cost-effectiveness.
Hearing loss is classified by different degrees of loss - slight, mild, moderate, moderately severe, severe, profound. Find out what each of these degrees of hearing loss mean and examples of sound types associated with these levels.
Statistics estimate more than 1.1 billion people in the world suffer from some degree of hearing loss, with an estimated 124 million of these suffering from moderate to severe disability. Yet hearing health remains much-neglected.
If you feel you have trouble listening, get your ears checked by an audiologist immediately to find out the underlying cause. Here's how you get started on the road to hearing better and preserving your hearing health.
Understand simply just how noisy is too noisy, get information about the impact of day-to-day noises you experience on your hearing ability and know about safe levels of time exposure to different noise levels.