Quadio designs and builds diverse products to address the gamut of hearing solutions. From specialized hearing aids to mobile apps and diagnostics equipment, we use technology to provide accessible, affordable and quality hearing care to the people of India.

Quadio delivers a range of binaural (both ears), progressive, easy-to-use, personalized and programmable hearing aids featuring long-lasting rechargeable batteries, bluetooth compatibility and app-based customizations.

Leveraging the latest electronics, signal processing, communications and mobile technology for designing accessible adaptable hearing solutions, the company has built a futuristic mobile app hearing solution and highly-advanced portable audiometers.

A leading-edge diagnostics solution, Net Dispensing is pioneering audiology technology delivering the entire spectrum of hearing health services online, from hearing evaluation to hearing aid fitting, to patients anywhere, anytime all across India.

Net Dispensing is a comprehensive solution that begins with diagnostics (Net Audiometry) and completes with hearing aid fine-tuning (Remote Fitting), without the necessity of an audiologist to be in front of the patient. All audiometry functions – hearing health evaluation, counselling, hearing management and hearing aid fitting – are performed seamlessly over the internet.

Net Dispensing is affordable, breakthrough, all-inclusive and reliable, allowing audiologists to eschew the need for establishing costly infrastructure but dramatically increasing their patient reach, delivering an innovative solution for low penetration of hearing health services in India.

Click above for an overview about hearing loss, the typical causes and recommended treatment path.

Click above to take a questionnaire to check if you may be experiencing hearing loss symptoms.